How long does SoundCloud like limit last?

by | Sep 15, 2024

Published by The Supreme Team on September 15, 2024

SoundCloud, like many other social platforms, imposes certain limitations to prevent misuse and spam-like behavior, especially when it comes to actions like liking tracks. If you’re an active SoundCloud user and you’ve encountered the like limit, you may wonder: How long does the SoundCloud like limit last?

In this article, we’ll explain the like limit on SoundCloud, why it exists, and how long it typically lasts.

What Is the SoundCloud Like Limit?

SoundCloud has a limit on how many tracks a user can like in a short period of time. This measure is primarily in place to prevent spam and automated behavior, ensuring that the platform remains genuine and authentic for both artists and listeners.

While SoundCloud hasn’t publicly disclosed the exact number of likes that trigger this limit, it is generally believed that if a user tries to like an excessive number of tracks in a short period (such as hundreds of tracks within a few hours), they might hit the limit.

Why Does SoundCloud Impose a Like Limit?

There are several reasons why SoundCloud enforces a like limit:

  • To combat spam: Limiting the number of likes helps prevent bots or spam accounts from mass-liking tracks, which can distort an artist’s engagement metrics and compromise the integrity of the platform.
  • Promote genuine interaction: SoundCloud wants to encourage real user engagement, where listeners genuinely enjoy and interact with tracks instead of artificially inflating like counts.
  • Protect platform performance: Excessive liking can strain the platform’s servers, especially if users or bots engage in this behavior frequently. The limit helps maintain smooth operation for all users.

How Long Does the Like Limit Last?

When you hit the like limit on SoundCloud, the platform typically imposes a temporary block on your ability to like additional tracks. The duration of this limit can vary, but it generally lasts between a few hours to 24 hours.

  • Temporary ban: Once you’ve hit the limit, you may receive a message indicating that you can’t like any more tracks for the time being. While this temporary restriction can be frustrating, it usually resets within a day.
  • Multiple offenses: If you repeatedly hit the limit or engage in other spam-like behaviors, SoundCloud may impose longer restrictions or temporarily suspend your account from liking, reposting, or commenting on tracks.

How to Avoid the Like Limit

If you frequently hit the like limit on SoundCloud, there are a few things you can do to avoid running into this issue:

  1. Spread out your likes: Instead of liking a large number of tracks in a short time frame, try to spread your likes across a longer period. This behavior is more natural and less likely to trigger the limit.
  2. Engage with tracks more meaningfully: Instead of focusing solely on liking, consider leaving comments, reposting, or even sharing tracks on social media. These additional forms of engagement can help you connect with artists and build a more interactive experience without hitting the limit.
  3. Upgrade to SoundCloud Go: While SoundCloud hasn’t explicitly linked the like limit to its paid services, upgrading to SoundCloud Go or Go+ may provide a more flexible experience, including the ability to download tracks for offline listening.

What Happens If You Exceed the Like Limit Frequently?

If you consistently hit the like limit or engage in suspicious behavior, SoundCloud may impose stricter penalties beyond the 24-hour block. These penalties could include:

  • Temporary suspension of liking privileges
  • Account restrictions, such as limiting the ability to comment or repost
  • In severe cases, account suspension or banning for violating SoundCloud’s terms of service

It’s important to use the platform responsibly and avoid rapid, spammy behavior to maintain a good standing with your account.

Conclusion: Keep It Natural

The SoundCloud like limit is designed to prevent spam and promote authentic interaction on the platform. If you find yourself frequently hitting the limit, the restriction usually lasts anywhere from a few hours to 24 hours before being lifted. To avoid hitting the like limit, it’s best to engage with the platform naturally, spread your likes out over time, and explore other ways to support the artists you love, such as through comments and reposts.

By using the platform responsibly, you can continue to enjoy SoundCloud without disruption, while helping maintain its integrity for both listeners and artists.

The Supreme Team is an Austin, Texas promotion agency started by Indie Artists for Indie Artists. Our Organic SoundCloud Promotion and Organic Spotify Promotion is provided through a network of influencers and artists in the United Kingdom, USA, Australia, Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Sweden, Netherlands, Switzerland, Brazil, and more. Be the next viral artist here: SUPREMEPR