Young Limb

by | May 21, 2024

Published by The Supreme Team on May 21, 2024

#Young Limb #TheSupremeTeam
Artist Name: Young Limb

Who are you?

Young Limb is a band that is inspired greatly by Brian Wilson (of the Beach Boys) and Phil Spector (before the whole murder and jail thing). We write music that is vintage in composition yet modern in production. A reviewer qualified us of ''Milkshake indie rock'', and I think that label suits us well.

Where are you from?

Young Limb is a small recording band from Montreal, Canada. Realistically, there is no actual music scene. Over the years, we've shared the bill with punk and metal bands, even though we didn't fit with them whatsoever. 'Twas fun though.

How can we follow you?

Song Title: Handbrake

Listen to Young Limb:
