
by | Mar 7, 2025

Published by The Supreme Team on March 7, 2025

#yearly #TheSupremeTeam
Artist Name: yearly

Who are you?

I’m an individual. I make what I want, when I want—no trends, no limits, just real expression. I don’t box myself in, and I don’t try to fit into anything. The music is just me, however I feel in the moment.

Where are you from?

I’m from waterbury, ct, but honestly, there’s not really much of a scene here—at least not one I’ve been a part of. I’ve been solo dolo, just doing my own thing and building something from the ground up. If there’s a scene, I guess I’m making it myself. Shoutout to everybody out there pushing their sound, though.

How can we follow you?

all my links at

Song Title: who hotter

Listen to yearly:
