#Lil Wasty #TheSupremeTeam
Artist Name: Lil Wasty
Who are you?
I'm just trying to make everyone feel safe in my music because making music
its like therapy for me. Nobody is alone, there's always someone to help, and I wanna be that someone
Where are you from?
I'm from Spain and I find it difficult to grow up as an artist in here because my music is in english, so I'm more into the emo rap and punk english scene
How can we follow you?
Spotify Profile: open.spotify.com/artist/34tuMAQJhZSL1t2JTgGvLo?si=98G2iVNTRDGxJQrf-Hj4Jg&utm_source=copy-link
Song (Spotify): open.spotify.com/track/1UKBwnfauM5ZGWgSCzxDpa?si=Vc9qIpN2RWGaCpytXDFOPw&utm_source=copy-link
Instagram: instagram.com/wastyyy?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Listen to Lil Wasty:
Source: supremepr.us/